Original Content (Japanese) : http://level69.net/archives/26127
This is a useful method if you manage alerts with Backlog.
The way to link Backlog and Azure Monitor is email.
1, Backlog integration setting
2, Set alert with Azure Monitor
3, generate an alert by applying load
For this time, set so that the alert will be raised when the CPU usage rate is larger than 80%.
For this reason, VMs are launched in advance.
Backlog integration settings
First, configure the integration of Backlog.
Click Project → Project Settings → Integration → Entry by E-mail Click [Settings].
Click Add [assignment registration email address].
The mail address is automatically issued.
Copy the mail address that was automatically issued.
Set the setting name appropriately.
The registrant of the assignment will also choose appropriately.
The setting on the backlog side is now complete.
Set alert with Azure Monitor
Open the resource group and open the warning.
Click New Alert Rule.
In setting alerts, you register resources, conditions, and action groups.
First, register the resource.
This time for alerts targeting the VM, select Virtual Machines in the resource.
Select the VM that you are interested in this time.
Next, set the conditions. Also note that Azure Monitor is not free.
This time, I select the CPU usage rate.
Set threshold of CPU utilization and evaluation criteria.
Next, set the action group.
Since there is no action group for the first time, I will create a new one.
Enter the required input items.
Select the e-mail / SMS / push / voice in the action type.
Here, enter the email address displayed in the Backlog integration setting.
Rule creation is completed by entering an alert rule name and description.
When you open the rule management, you can create it and confirm that the rule is registered.
When an action group is registered, confirmation task is registered in Backlog.
Let’s delete it as it is necessary.
This completes the alert setting of Azure Monitor.
Check if the task is registered by applying the load
Load the VM and check whether the assignment is registered.
This time stress is applied with stress command.
When load is applied for about 10 minutes, the following tasks are automatically registered.
You can confirm that an alert has occurred also on Azure side.
It is completion by confirmation with the above.
I cooperated with Backlog Very easy to cooperate.
You can do whatever metric you can pick up with Azure Monitor, not just CPU.
Because Azure Monitor can cooperate with Webhook in addition to cooperation by e-mail
I think that cooperation with other services can be done easily.